En Vn

Reaching a carbon-neutral power

by multiple pathways

Exploring pathways to Deep Decarbonization

In the overarching goal of reducing emissions to net zero, Hydrogen plays an essential role in delivering on this promise for businesses, especially harder-to-abate sectors.

Hydrogen’s potential is vastly more expansive as a flexible fuel, not only capable of shapeshifting to meet the energy needs of a wide range of energy end uses, including those that the long cord of clean-energy electrification may not readily reach, but also helps address the small but significant balancing and gap-filling needs of a high-renewables electricity grid, displacing the role of a resource like dispatchable natural gas.

Fuel Cell
Hydrogen and fuel cell technology offer an alternative and improved solution for a plausible future.

Fuel cells are electrochemical converters that generate electricity through fuels (often hydrogen and oxygen).

With remarkable growth, fuel cells have provided power for various industries, such as transportation, construction, long-term energy storage, and industrial/commercial/residential usage.

Clean Energy Storage
The fuel landscape of the future!
Amid the much-needed transition toward a decarbonized electricity system, renewable energy has dramatically developed in response to that demonstration. Electricity can be easily generated but cannot be stored or transported into national electrical grids as much. Hence, we are looking for deep solutions after the renewable transform revolution that can help improve electricity storage and ensure that electrical grids can be balanced and contribute to maximizing every green megawatt generated.

Clean energy storage is starting to pick up momentum and is vital in creating a flexible and reliable energy system. It supports the rapid deployment of variable renewable energy sources and guarantees their integration into the grid.

Energy storage systems can achieve the best economic and environmental outcomes and add value at every stage of the supply chain. Depending on their capacity, energy storage systems are sizable to minimize total electricity cost or to maximize investor profits; for example:

  • Large-scale storage for GW scale is required
  • Storage in the grid and power generation assets for MW scale
  • Small –scales storage at the end-user level for kW scale.
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